Step 1: Three Part Assessment and Intake

The Brave Explorer Experience begins with the clinical foundation of a three-part assessment and intake process.

Diagnostic Intake
with Parents Only

(Part 1)

Parents will participate in a semi-structured clinical interview including developmental history, age of onset, and impairment across settings in their child’s life. We may request that parents share videos of their child freely speaking at home if the parents feel comfortable doing so. Parents are asked to fill out standard questionnaires that will be used as a baseline to measure the severity of their child’s selective mutism. This session is held virtually and lasts 60-90 minutes.

Parent & Child Observation

(Part 2)

Parents and children are asked to come into the clinic for a 60 to 90-minute live parent-child play observation session. During this session, a trained clinician will be observing from another room for speaking behavior and also looking for additional concerns that may be present. The clinician will also use this as an opportunity for a mini lead in session, in which the clinician will fade in and out of the room and provide brief parent coaching.


(Part 3)

This session includes concise feedback summarizing the findings and clinical impressions of the psychologists, provision of a diagnosis (if warranted), and proposal of a treatment plan. This session also includes brief parent training.

During this time, the clinician will discuss if Brave Explorers Camp is a good fit for your child or if another treatment option is recommended. This session will be done virtually and lasts 50 minutes.

Next Step: Lead-In Sessions

After the Assessment and Intake, the next part of the Brave Explorers Experience will be the lead-in sessions.